After a rollicking performance by Ye Jawaani Hai Deewani last week, Bollywood was hoping that the trend would continue with Yamla Pagla Deewana 2, the sequel to the 2011 original. However, the Dharmendra, Sunny Deol and Bobby Deol starrer had an average opening at the box office and failed to show much appreciable growth on Saturday and Sunday. The weekend figures are in the range of 21-22 crore, which are similar to the original movie's weekend collections. The average opening and poor reports mean that the film won't have long legs at the box office, and if the weekdays drop heavily, then this will be another big budget debacle this year. The most disappointing fact is that Yamla Pagla Deewana 2 didn't put up a better performance even in North where Deols have a huge fan following.
To an extent, the film's prospects were also damaged by the hurricane called Ye Jawaani Hai Deewani. In fact, the Ranbir Kapoor starrer earned more in its second weekend than Yamla Pagla Deewana 2's opening weekend. The movie was one of the fastest to hit 100 crore at the Indian box office and the current pace suggests that Ye Jawaani Hai Deewani will emerge the second biggest hit of all time behind 3 Idiots.
The next week will be relatively quieter as Fukrey is the only major Bollywood release. The film doesn't have carry huge expectations and will have to rely on word of mouth to perform at the box office.
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