The juggernaut called Ye Jawaani Hai Deewani refuses to slow down as the Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone starrer went past 150 crore mark in terms of box office receipts in less than two weeks. The film zoomed past collections of three Salman Khan movies viz. Dabangg, Dabangg 2 and Bodyguard to emerge as the third highest grossing Bollywood film of all time. Now it lags behind 3 Idiots (200 crore +) and Ek Tha Tiger (185 crore+) only. At the current pace, and looking at the below the mark performance of Yamla Pagla Deewana 2, it can be safely assumed that Ye Jawaani Hai Deewani will go past Salman Khan film and settle somewhere around 190 crore. Of course it can gross more and challenge 3 Idiots record. But that will depend upon the movie's showing in its third weekend. Since the only major challenge to it this week is a Hollywood flick Man of Steel, YJHD has got a chance to usurp 3 Idiots as the highest grossing Bollywood film of all time.
Ye Jawaani Hai Deewani has broken numerous records since opening on 31st May and has been a major success worldwide with USA and UK markets seeing new high collections for a Ranbir Kapoor film. By the end of its run, YJHD would be one of the highest grossing Bollywood films of all time worldwide.
Ye Jawaani Hai Deewani has broken numerous records since opening on 31st May and has been a major success worldwide with USA and UK markets seeing new high collections for a Ranbir Kapoor film. By the end of its run, YJHD would be one of the highest grossing Bollywood films of all time worldwide.
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